MUSE Experience Design Project

This Experience Design project expanded upon my People-Driven Design project across different channels. I was tasked with developing an interactive app prototype, an interactive website prototype, web ads, and an omnichannel design of my choosing.
Mobile App
I began this project by designing a mobile app that extends the functionality of my People-Driven Design project. The app prototype needed to be developed in Adobe XD, interactive, and consist of at least five screens. To extend the functionality of the MUSE Magazine and Fashion Journal, I decided to create an outfit builder app. Featuring styles from spring of 1975, the user is able to mix, match, and save outfits as they please!
To explore this prototype yourself, please visit:
The next step in the project was to start designing an informational website that promotes my People-Driven Design that helps users understand what the design is, who it is for, and why it is special. The website prototype also needed to be developed in Adobe XD, interactive, and consist of at least five screens. The MUSE website expands upon the publication to promote the latest issue, provide access to past issues, inform visitors about that season’s runway, celebrity style, and street style, and promote the outfit builder though a web version and a link to download the app.
To explore this prototype yourself, please visit:
MUSE website prototype home page still image
Omnichannel Design
As I was designing the app and website prototypes, I was also required to design a billboard and web ads in billboard, half page, leaderboard, and medium banner sizes.
Additionally, I was tasked with creating an omnichannel design of my choosing. As I wanted to expand upon the journal I designed for the People-Driven Design project, I decided to design something I never had before: a sticker sheet. This was a fun way for me to further incorporate 70s typefaces and accessories, while also bringing the activity around to something that would be particularly useful for my 9-year-old persona!