My persona was a 19 year old, trans male, who is very wealthy and loves rally racing. They live in Magnolia, Arkansas. They wanted to challenge themselves by a quiz and keep up to date with the rally racing community.
Mobile App
My app was designed for the greatest fans of rally racing. It quizzes the user on everything rally racing including the history of benches. This was first designed in mind to make it a competition based on location of the race, but with more critique it was decided to keep it as a way to have fun and learn more about the dangerous sport. At first, it was yellow and red for more of a 1985 look, but with more iteration it changed to more of a deep grey with pops of color to symbolize fast motion. At the beginning, it was mostly illustration work, but to help make it cohesive with the workings of the website, more photography was added. I could not delete the brands mascot which is seen throughout the brand and its applications.
Here is the link to the working app! Enjoy the game!
The website had to depict motion and the seriousness of the sport, however it needed to have a community feeling behind it. So every word and phrase highlighted just that. Rally racing websites were my inspiration for this specific project because it was challenging to learn about a new sport and design for a male dominated industry while I identify as a female and can not relate. I minimized the color palette, and made sure the visual identity was cohesive through selective photography like that of the app. I am very proud of my work for it was the first website I have done as a prototype as well as the topic itself.
Here is the link to the working Website! Have a look!
Omnichannel Design

I did this extended version of the project through photoshop. I chose a t-shirt because I feel like a lot of fans of any sport, mostly rally racing love to show off their favorite driver, or team. To make this about how my persona’s love for rally racing and making it sound like a community/family scheme, using a gender neutral design with flags that indicate racing and RRC meaning Rally Racing Country which is the brand from the website made this omnichannel come to life. 1985 being the year chosen for my person and the texture of the flags bringing one back to that greaser retro type.