Topiary Tube is a company that produces kits which include everything to start a topiary. Spreading the art of topiary to all and sustainability are important values of the company. The first phase of this project revolved around creating the physical product. This next phase focused on additional elements created to compliment the product including an app, website, web ads, billboard, and Pinterest promotion.
Mobile App
The mobile app focuses on helping the user to keep track of caring for their topiaries, connect with other topiary growers, and learn more about topiary. All users can access the Topiary Tips page and read helpful articles about raising topiaries which can be filtered by experience level. The community page allows users to post, view, and interact with other users and their plants. By logging in, the user is able to access their personal garden page, which allows them to track when they trim and water as well as reminds them when it’s time to do so.
To view interactive prototype, visit: https://xd.adobe.com/view/39780c75-f03d-4d3c-aa5d-7791ebc98349-6c2b/

The main features of this website are to give the user a little more background on Topiary Tube as a company and give them a way to purchase its products. Whereas the app focuses on the active process of caring for topiary, the website is more of a resource to learn about the company, buy everything needed to start a topiary, and get an overview on the steps to care for them.

To view interactive prototype, visit: https://xd.adobe.com/view/8077d010-e77a-458c-a4bb-c8a6235dbd2c-d524/
Omnichannel Design
After the website and app, the client decided to add on some additional pieces: four web ads, a billboard, and a design mode of my choice. For the one I got to decide, I chose to do a Pinterest ad as I found this to be a good way to reach my clientele of people interested in DIY activities and gardening.

Web Ads
Pinterest Ad