Washington Crafting Institute -Experience Design

As a continuation of our People Driven Design Project, the client tasked us with creating a mobile app design, website, and advertisements that builds off of the last project. My design solution for my People Driven Design project was to create a Crafting event (Washington Crafting Institute) for my persona to feel at home and make friends at, so I expanded this brand by creating apps and websites to help ease the process of signing up for the event as well as advertisements to get the brand out there in Seattle.
Mobile App
This is my mobile app. The app has many functions, like RSVPing for the event, looking at event information, and having easy access to the ticket. I continued with the aesthetic that I was working on for the previous project, but I simplified the design and picked what was important to lead the aesthetic. Here is a link to the working prototype: https://xd.adobe.com/view/f713840d-860d-44a8-94da-5ef7ad5f27d8-a240/

This is the website design for the Washington Crafting Institute. It has the same main goal as the app but it is important to have a web version of an app to not exclude users who may not want to download the app. Here is a link to the working prototype: https://xd.adobe.com/view/0ff51816-bdd5-4230-af77-dcbdeb8e57a7-5aa6/
Omnichannel Design
For the second part of this project, I made differently sized website advertisements for my Washington Crafting Institute website. I had to tell the same message through all four designs in drastically different sized spaces. For my omnichannel design, I wanted to hone into the fact that this event is for local people to meet and create together, so I created a shopping cart advertisement. Everyone goes to the grocery store, so many people will see this advertisement and consider attending the event. This ad would be placed on grocery store shopping carts in the Seattle area. Below are some of the iterations of this process.
Above are some of the iterations of my advertisements and omnichannel design. Using the main imagery of the brand I created these advertisements by moving the elements around and seeing how they work and flow together. Below are the final deliverables.
Final Deliverables
Here are the final deliverables for this part of the project. You can see how each design uses a lot of the same elements but in different ways to suit the shape of the ad. I kept the ads down to a few important words in order for viewers to get the idea of the ad as soon as they see it, especially on the billboard. I think this extension of the project really helped flesh out the original People Driven Design because the main hole in my event design was how people found out about the event. I learned a lot about web and layout design during this project and I think I am a better designer now because of it.