Seinfeld Trapper Keeper

The goal of the People-Driven Design project was to create a design solution that that met the needs of a persona and enhanced their experience. My design revolved around a Chinese-American 16 year old girl from Las Vegas, Nevada in the year 1993 named Amy Wong. She is from a low income family who is kind and helpful and is a huge fan of the show Seinfeld. Keeping in touch with friends and family is important to her and she has a constant problem of being late and absent minded when it comes to events and deadlines. My design solution for her was to create a Seinfeld themed trapper keeper that comes with a unique bookmarking system and a combination spiral ringed calendar, scheduler, and contact book.
This design meets Amy’s needs as it is a cheap and reliable product that is durable and is designed to be used for a long time. For when it starts to wear down underneath the plastic outer coating of the trapper keeper is a secondary image and additional plastic coating. The bookmarking system, known as Assemble the Couch, allows for Amy to keep track of her important goals throughout the week by placing it in her trapper keeper and as she completes a goal she puts the cast member back onto the couch. Which thus assembles the couch and shows that her goals are completed for the week. The spiral notebook also acts as an additional form of tracking as she can accurately plan and remind herself of any important plans and work for the week. She is also able to stay in touch with friends and family as she is able to write the phone numbers and addresses of people she knows into her contact book portion of her spiral notebook. Allowing her to either contact them via phone or letter throughout the year to stay up to date on their daily activities.
Process Work
Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Phase 3:
Phase 4:
Final Design