Autism and Aichmophobia

The Problem

There is a growing problem with those who suffer Autism and Aichmophobia and a lack of proper warning to those who need to be reminded of being in the presence of sharp objects.
“How Can I help those with sensory issues like Autism or Aichmophobia
sufferers overcome their fear of sharp objects?”
Success Statement
“My last student I recall that has Autism was always nervous around scissors and I would help them feel comfortable by modifying the scissors to be round-ended to make them feel less intimidated and more welcome.”
Target Audience
Teachers/Parents/Guardians of children with Autism and Aichmophobia.
Rituals of an autistic individual.
What sharp objects set off who.
Design Process + Testing
To understand the process, I interviewed key individuals who have experienced events that would help fill the void of communicating fears. I collected their recommendations of how to deal with sharp objects.
Design Solution
An answer to all Problems.
As a solution, I created a Poster for areas that contain sharp objects such as kitchens, barbershops and workshops. To make interactivity possible with the poster, there will be a complimentary booklet that will be used by adults with children to communicate the situation. It would contain key phrase